Privacy Policy

17 October 2018

What service is being provided?

Place Services provide charged services for consultancy concerning historic, built and natural environments.

What personal data do we need from you?

  • Name
  • Contact details   
  • Goods and services   
  • Financial details      

What ‘special types’ of personal data do we need from you?


Who will be using your personal data?

The Data Controller is Essex County Council.

The Data Protection Officer for Essex County Council can be contacted at

What will it be used for and what gives us the right to ask for it and use it?

  • Service delivery   
  • Service planning/improvement   
  • Research using only anonymised data unless we specifically ask for your consent

If we cannot use your data we could not offer a professional service.

Our legal basis for using your personal data is your consent.  As we need your consent you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us.

Who else might we share your data with?


Will your data be stored in or accessible from countries with no UK-equivalent Privacy Law protections?


How long will your data be kept?

We will stop using your data after 2 years and then delete it.

Our use of your data will be subject to the following legal rights:

  • Your Right to be Informed
  • Your Right to Access your personal data
  • Your Right for us to Rectify your personal data
  • Your Right to have your personal data Erased
  • Your Right to Restrict our processing of your personal data
  • Your Right to Object to how we use your personal data

If you have concerns over the way we are asking for or using your personal data, please raise the matter with our Data Protection Officer

  • Postal address:Data Protection Officer, Information Governance Team, Essex County Council, County Hall, Market Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM11QH
  • Email:
  • Phone number 03457430430

If you still have concerns following our response you have the right to raise the matter with the Information Commissioner’s Office

  • Postal address: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
  • Online form
  • Phone number: 0303 123 1113

View our full privacy notice.