Bexleyheath Town Centre Regeneration Phase 2

    • Client: London Borough of Bexley/Watermans
    • Local Planning Authority: London Borough of Bexley
    • Location: Bexleyheath town centre areas, Bexleyheath, London
    • Date: 01 January 2016
Lion Road Montage
Vision for Albion Road
Townley Road to Highland Road vision

Place Services is working with Watermans Group for London Borough of Bexley on Phase 2 of the public realm improvements forming part of a wider strategy for Bexleyheath Town Centre which is informed by its Development and Improvement Framework and Night Vision Strategy. Phase 2 includes the area along the Broadway with Lion Road junction and Albion Road.Lion Road Scheme has now been completed.


For Albion Road there was an opportunity to significantly improve the image of the street, improve pedestrian and cycle comfort and access including crossings, improve relations with neighbouring properties, plant up dead frontage and facilitate the redevelopment of adjoining opportunity sites as part of a more actively fronted town centre street. Albion Road project is still on-going.