Urban Design Advice for Brentwood High Street

    • Client: Essex County Council
    • Local Planning Authority: Brentwood Borough Council
    • Location: Brentwood, Essex. CM14.
    • Date: 22 October 2010
Brentwood High Street

Brentwood High Street

Brentwood town centre projects map

Brentwood Analysis

Brentwood cafe culture

Brentwood cafe culture.

Place Services were approached to assist ECC Highways in delivering and designing as bespoke and high quality new High Street for Brentwood.  The team has also provided design advice for some key planning applications and has started work on the development of a town centre vision and strategy. 

The development of a Town Centre Strategy is to help bring together the relevant people, policy, guidance and projects to help drive Brentwood Town Centre forward, re-establishing it as a desirable place to live, shop and work.  

It is hoped that this strategy will ignite a renewed enthusiasm and interest in the potential that Brentwood town centre could offer. A new group, Brentwood Renaissance, has been assembled, incorporating Brentwood Councillors, officers, local business leaders and Essex County Council. The urban design team is instrumental in assisting the Brentwood Renaissance group on design issues and working on strategy documents.

Place Services is committed to the long term renaissance of Brentwood town centre and has become a key decision maker in the reshaping of the town. This project has been identified as an EDI Exemplar Project for Essex