Brooklands Gardens

    • Client: Essex County Council & EEDA
    • Location: Jaywick, Essex CO15
    • Date: 19 August 2010
Brooklands Gardens
Brooklands Gardens flowers
development of community in Brooklands Gardens
Brooklands gardens after transformation
Brooklands Gardens

Brooklands Gardens Image 2

Brooklands Gardens plants

Brooklands Gardens Image 1

conceptual sketch for Brooklands Gardens

Conceptual Sketch Design.

The brief was to create an attractive local park from a derelict area of old building foundations, hardstandings and bunds. It was developed in conjunction with community artists building on work done at Jaywick with the Jaywick Green Team from 2001.

A key aspect of the project was development of the community around the park, involving local people in its design and planting.The community park in Brooklands Gardens is a simple scheme which includes a copse of pines, an avenue, grassed areas for play, bulbs and wild flowers, and a garden in memory of those who lost their lives in the floods of 1953.

People involved