Danbury Lakes Restoration

    • Client: Essex County Council
    • Location: Danbury Country Park, Danbury, Essex.
Danbury Lake after Restoration

The brief was to de-silt the top lake at Danbury registered park and make other improvements to lakeside edging and planting to improve water depth and quality and improve the lakes as features within the registered park.

The top lake at Danbury Country Park was cleared of silt in 2004 and the margins of the lower lake replaced with oak boarding. Waterside and aquatic planting followed in 2005 and 2006. Silt was spread on a nearby field and cultivated into the land when it has dried out and a silt trap will be created to prevent excess of silt entering the lake in the future. Tree and shrub management was also carried out around the lakes to give selected trees more space to grow into good specimens and restore the historic landscape character.

People involved