Flitch Green Primary School

    • Client: Commissioning team: Essex County Council Public Art Team & Construction Management Group, Flitch Green School, NPS Group South East, Calvert Brain & Fraulo and ISG Jackson Ltd.
    • Local Planning Authority: Uttlesford
    • Location: Flitch Green Primary School, Dunmow, Essex.
Public  art at Flitch Green School
Flitch Green Primary
Flitch Green Primary School

Flitch Green is a purpose built primary school situated within a new housing development. The design for coloured glazing within the central courtyard and magnetic notice boards throughout the school were an integral element of the build.

The outcome is the creation of playful, open spaces with shifting colours according to the weather and time of day. Cohesion within the colour pallet has been created through the glazing and interactive areas where changing displays of pupils work can be created.

 The project received a BREEAM Very Good EPC A rating.

Artist: Jacqueline Poncelet

Photographer: Douglas Atfield

People involved