Essex County Council Flood Team commissioned Place Services to carry out Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment for several proposed flood alleviation schemes around Essex, prior to applying for planning permission.
Each assessment is carried out in line with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Standard and Guidance for desk based assessments and follows the requirements of Paragraph 128 of the National Planning Policy Framework. The aim is to: identify known heritage assets on the site; consider the potential for additional, as yet unknown, remains to be present; and consider the significance of any remains and the likely impacts which may arise from the proposed development and the archaeological mitigation required.
The assessment consults standard sources including the Essex Historic Environment Record, Historic Environment Characterisation Projects, Designation records available online for listed buildings and Scheduled Monuments, historic mapping and other relevant documents in the Essex Record Office, and reports relating to excavations undertaken in the area. An archaeological walk-over survey is also carried out to assess for visible earthworks surviving on site and its results are incorporated into the assessment.
Each assessment assesses the significance of the area’s historic environment and identifies the potential impacts of the proposals. Recommendations as to the nature of the archaeological mitigation that will be required are made.