Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan

    • Client: Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Group
    • Local Planning Authority: Uttlesford District Council
    • Location: Great and Little Chesterford
Great Chesterford

Image: Reconstruction painting of the late 4th century town of Great Chesterford looking eastwards across the town to the temple. Copyright Peter Froste


The Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Group requested an Historic Area Assessment to consider in detail the significance of the historic environment of the two parishes, with a view to informing and developing policies for their Neighbourhood Plan. Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and deliver the sustainable development they need. The area has a rich historic environment, including the nationally important archaeological remains of the Roman town of Great Chesterford and an associated temple, which were pre-dated by a late Iron Age shrine and Conquest period fort. Our study provided an understanding of the significance of the historic environment in the Chesterfords in order to ensure that the decision making for the Neighbourhood Plan is sustainable, robust and sound.