Henley Gate Garden Suburb, Urban Design and Landscape Consultancy

    • Client: Ipswich Borough Council
    • Location: Ipswich
    • Date: 31 August 2017

Place Services provided Ipswich Borough Council with specialist urban design and landscape advice during the Henley Gate reserved matters process, consulting on the Overarching Design Code, Phase 1 Design Code and Proposed Layout.

Henley Gate Garden Suburb will be located in the north of Ipswich, between the East Suffolk rail line, Henley Road, and Westerfield. It will feature 1,100 homes, a 30-hectare country park with a visitor centre, a “local centre” with a two-form entry primary school, sports and playing pitches, a community centre and shops. Our team of Landscape Architects and Urban Designers have expertise in this sector as well as an in-depth understanding of Garden Communities and Urban Extensions. The consultation agreement included consultation reports, attending meetings with developers and holding planning surgeries with officers and members.

People involved