Tendring Heritage Strategy

    • Client: Tendring District Council
    • Location: Essex
    • Date: 01 August 2020

Place Services have completed a Heritage Strategy for Tendring District Council. This Strategy is a document which identifies and considers all aspects of the historic environment in one place. Through this project, designated and non-designated heritage assets across the district were identified, researched, assessed, and many were visited in order to inform the Strategy and its Action Plan.

The Strategy forms a baseline document about the management and promotion of all aspects of the historic environment in Tendring. The Strategy is organised into two parts, ‘The Heritage Baseline’ and the ‘Heritage Assessment and Strategy’. The baseline explores the historic development of Tendring and identifies existing heritage assets including areas, buildings, features, landscapes and parks and gardens. It also creates a comprehensive list of the people who are involved in looking after the historic environment and other stakeholders. Part two draws on the findings of part one to identify key heritage issues and opportunities within Tendring. It also proposes a series of actions which aim to preserve, protect, and promote Tendring’s heritage in line with national policy and guidance as well as local policy.

The Strategy was created for all stakeholders of Tendring’s historic environment. This includes residents, owners, organisations, businesses, councillors, and council officers, as well as those involved in promoting heritage and managing new development. Our team actively engaged the public, local groups and communities in order to get maximum stakeholder input. This was achieved through sending targeted correspondence, through social media, and hosting an in-person public consultation event.

Key tasks:

  • Working with designated heritage assets including Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings;
  • Stakeholder / Local Amenity Group / Public engagement;
  • Identifying buildings, features, gardens and areas for local listing;
  • Extensive knowledge of historic town development and historic landscapes of Tendring;
  • Assessing the special architectural or historic interest, or national importance of an area; and
  • Undertaking Desk Based Assessment.

People involved