Jaywick Doorstep Green

    • Client: Tendring District Council
    • Location: Jaywick, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex.
Jaywick Doorstep Green

Jaywick Doorstep Green

The brief for improving the area known as Crossways in Jaywick was developed by a team comprising of Place Services Landscape architects, Tendring District Council and the Jaywick Green Team. Extensive consultation was carried out in 2002 at the local primary and secondary school, at the youth centre, and at a number of community events including the annual fayre.

Involvement in the development of the park developed into tree, shrub and bulb planting days school workshops and development of artwork, and selection of the play area design by school children. The amount of community support has been reflected in the lack of vandalism and continued high use of the formal, play and wilderness areas.   

Funding was obtained through the governments Doorstep Green and Transform Your Space programmes. 

People involved