North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit (NNJPU) Landscape and Urban Design SLA

    • Client: North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit (NNJPU)
    • Local Planning Authority: Borough Council of Wellingborough, Kettering Borough Council, Corby Borough Council and East Northamptonshire Borough Council.
    • Location: Northamptonshire
    • Date: 01 February 2018
NNJPU Rushden Living

NNJPU Rushden Living

NNJPU Rushden Lakes

NNJPU Rushden Lakes

NNJPU Wellingborough

NNJPU Wellingborough

NNJPU Desborough

NNJPU Desborough

Place Services provides the NNJPU with specialist landscape and urban design support. The NNJPU was established in October 2004 by five local planning authorities including Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough and East Northamptonshire, together with Northamptonshire County Council. It is funded through contributions from the local planning authorities, and was established to prepare the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (JCS) and support the local authorities with strategic planning.

At Place Services we provide comprehensive support and expertise for all stages of the planning process; advising the Local Planning teams of landscape and urban design matters and recommendations on pre-application submissions through to planning conditions. Our expertise includes providing a range of services and advice from Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA) through to reviewing large scale growth sites. It also includes attending meetings with developers, design surgeries (with the local planning authorities)  and Development Management Committees. We are in regular contact with both NNJPU and planners and support staff in the LPA offices and have built relationships which ensure any concerns are dealt with promptly and effectively to embed solutions and avoid delays. Working alongside the NNJPU we strive to improve the standard of design in developments being delivered in North Northamptonshire and ensure that only developments of the highest quality are delivered in the future.

People involved