Chelmsford Park & Ride

    • Client: Ian Turner - Major Projects and Infrastructure ECC – Project Manager WPP Architects, Project Architect MLM Ltd May Gurney (Principal Contractor)
    • Local Planning Authority: Chelmsford Borough Council
    • Location: Chelmsford, Essex.
'Shoot' by Diana McClean
Diana Mclean to design and produce work integrated with the second Park and Ride facility for Chelmsford.
The stainless steel form represents plant growth reaching up to the light.

Place Services created a commissioning brief, promoted the opportunity and appoint an artist to enhance the Park and Ride facility for Chelmsford with thought-provoking, site specific work, which relates to the sustainability credentials of the scheme and its site on the outskirts of Chelmsford.

Place Services commissioned and project managed Diana Mclean to design and produce work integrated with the second Park and Ride facility for Chelmsford.

The commission was part of Essex County Council’s public art programme which aims to enhance the visual richness of buildings, roads and landscaping and ultimately contribute to the image of Essex as a forward looking and inspiring county.

Title: Shoot

Sculpture by Diane MacLean

Fabricator and installation: Birch Engineering of Ware

The stainless steel form represents plant growth reaching up to the light. The sinuous silver stems are brushed polished, softly reflecting light while the highly reflective surfaces of the pods change colour according to the angle of the light.

People involved