Special Roadside Verges

    • Client: Essex Highways
    • Location: Essex, UK
Foraging bee at Roadside Verge in Uttlesford

Foraging bee at Roadside Verge in Uttlesford

Roadside Nature Reserve

Roadside Nature Reserve managed for wildlife by Essex County Council

Daws Grove road verge

Daws Grove Verge

Special Roadside Verges provide an invaluable habitat for wildflowers and other native species across the county including a range of native species that are under threat elsewhere. Around 60 km of road verge across Essex have been designated as Special Roadside Verges.

Place Services works with a range of partners - including Essex County Council highways staff and its highway contractors; Essex Wildlife Trust and Saffron Walden Museum- to maintain these verges, ensuring that they are effectively managed and continue to support a wide range of species.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Place Services or Essex Wildlife Trust.

People involved