Steeple Bumpstead Planning Inquiry

    • Client: Braintree District Council
    • Location: Steeple Bumpstead
St Mary's Church Steeple
Moot Hall
Steeple Bumpstead Conservation Area

Our historic environment specialists successfully supported Braintree District Council in the dismissal of an appeal for residential housing on the edge of Steeple Bumpstead.

The proposal was for a speculative development of 65 dwellings on land close to the Steeple Bumpstead Conservation Area. Over the course of the inquiry the team successfully proved that the proposals would fail to preserve the setting of the Grade I listed parish church of St Mary the Virgin, and would harm the heritage significance of the Conservation Area, which includes 21 listed buildings. The appeal was subsequently dismissed. 

The full appeal decision can be read here.

"A great decision, with us on every single point." Dr Ashley Bowes, Cornerstone Barristers

People involved