Stick Man Trail

    • Client: Essex County Council
    • Local Planning Authority: Brentwood Borough Council
    • Location: Weald Country Park, Brentwood
Bed, Stickman Trail
family on stickman trail
Faraway Bay, Stickman Trail
Faraway Bay 2, Stickman Trail
Wild Weave, Stickman Trail
Hills and Hollows, Stickman Trail
Wild Weave 2, Stickman Trail
'Wild Weave' Stickman Trail at Weald Country Park
Bed 2, Stickman Trail
Weald Country Park, Stickman Trail
Stickman Trail, Weald Country Park
Weald Country Park's Stickman Trail
Girl enjoying the Stickman Trail
Basket Swing, Stickman Trail
Stickman Trail 'Bed'
Stickman Trail between hills
Stickman Trail clamber net
Stickman Trail Faraway Beach
Stickman Trail nest
Stickman Trail Bulrushes
Stickman Trail Weave
Stickman Trail Wobbly Ladder

We worked with Essex County Council Country Parks team, Magic Light Pictures and designers Infinite Edge, on the creation of a new adventure play trail at Weald Country Park, Essex, themed around popular children's story, Stick Man.

The country park originated as a medieval deer park, but was extensively landscaped in the 18th century according to a plan by the French designer Gravelot. Significant elements of the 18th century landscaping survive, including a Belvedere Mound, along with some of the finest wood pasture and veteran trees in Essex. By working closely with the design team we aimed to ensure that the play trail is sensitively integrated into the park's historic landscape. The trail highlights Essex County Council's commitment to increase opportunities for access to high quality green spaces in the County.

People involved