SuDS: National Guidance

    • Client: English Heritage
    • Location: England
Flooded Finchingfield

Flooded Finchingfield

Working in partnership with the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA), Place Services has been commissioned by English Heritage to develop national guidance on Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and the historic environment, to enable the delivery of good practice and to inspire professional practitioners across a range of environmental disciplines.

The guidance will serve to reduce detrimental impacts on the historic environment as a result of engineering, urban and landscape design responses to problems of surface water run-off and flooding, by helping to ensure the heritage dimension is included in SuDS decision-making and design.

By producing guidance specific to the delivery of SuDS in relation to the historic environment, the project is intended to complement and augment CIRIA's ongoing project to up-date the national 'SuDS Manual'.