The Naze Education and Visitor Centre Heritage Statement

    • Client: Essex Wildlife Trust
    • Local Planning Authority: Tendring District Council
    • Location: Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex
Wall sign reading Trinity Hovse
Tower brickwork
Naze from Dovercourt
Naze Tower
sketch from Heritage Statement

Essex Wildlife Trust commissioned Place Services to prepare a Heritage Statement  to accompany its planning application for the development of a new Education and Visitor Centre next to the Grade 2* Listed Naze Tower.

The significance of the Georgian navigation tower was evaluated, including the contribution made by its setting and views, and the consequences and effects of the proposed development on the buildings significance were assessed.

The provision of a robust and defendable heritage statement that clearly identified the sites heritage values and the impact of the proposed visitor centre on them, were an important part in helping to secure planning permission for the scheme.

"Place Services exceeded our expectations by producing an excellent piece of work - thorough yet readable; well set out; exploring all potential impacts; and with clear conclusions. We all learnt something about the Naze and its heritage as well as having a document we had confidence in and which would stand up to close scrutiny", Claire Cadman, Projects Manager, Essex Wildlife Trust.


People involved