Tree Inspections for The Royal Parks

    • Client: The Royal Parks
    • Location: London
Trees in the royal parks
Tree Inspections for the Royal Parks
Tree Inspections for the Royal Parks

Place Services has secured a place as a framework contractor for the Royal Parks.

The Arboricultural Team will carry out a detailed inspection of identified trees, utilising climbing inspections and/or proprietary decay detection equipment as necessary, depending on the apparent location, extent and type of the problem.

This will then require submission of written reports, illustrated where required, with a recommendation for necessary work and prescribe detailed work specifications, and dates for completion. Place Services are to utilise technically advanced diagnostic equipment to accurately analyse defects or make a prognosis for future failure or decay development.

The Royal Parks are managed by The Royal Parks Agency - an Executive Agency of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Millions of Londoners and tourists visit the eight Royal Parks for free each year. The 5,000 acres of historic parkland provide unparalleled opportunities for enjoyment, exploration and healthy living in the heart of the capital.