Trinity Square

    • Client: Essex County Council
    • Location: South Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford. CM3.
    • Date: 31 December 2009
Trinity Square, South Woodham Ferrers

Trinity Square, South Woodham Ferrers

Trinity Square Vision

Trinity Square Vision

Seating area in Trinity Square, South Woodham Ferrers

Seating area in Trinity Square

The new design, including new high quality paving, tree planting and seating areas provides the residents and visitors with an open square where they can enjoy and relax. Improvement on the street lighting and also incorporating coloured lighting under the trees contributes to making Trinity Square a vibrant and safe environment as well as a special place. 

We worked with the ECC Highways Team on the improvement works from sketch design to implementation of the works. Partners in the development of the project included South Woodham Ferrers Town Council, Chelmsford Borough Council, the William de Ferrers School as well as the local business community.

‘This is an exciting scheme which will make the public space in South Woodham Ferrers attractive for both visitors and residents.’

Councillor Norman Hume, Cabinet
Member for Highways and Transportation