Trumpington Meadows Local Centre

    • Client: Cambridge City Council
    • Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
    • Location: Cambridge
    • Date: 01 June 2016
Trumpington Meadows Centre
Trumpington Meadows Plans

Place Services was commissioned by Cambridge City Council to provide development management Urban Design advice as part of a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with Barratt Homes Eastern Counties to deliver the Local Centre phase of Trumpington Meadows. The Reserved Matters application included 40 new dwellings with associated internal roads, car and cycle parking, landscaping and open space and 450 square metres of A1, A2, A3 or D1 use.

The Planning Performance Agreement included providing Urban Design advice at each stage of the development management process, ensuring that the emerging proposals meet the requirements of the adopted design code as well as the high aspirations of the Local Planning Authority. Our Urban Designers represented the Local Authority on all design matters, including guiding the emerging layouts through Cambridgeshire’s Quality Panel.

In delivering this Service Level Agreement (SLA), a dedicated Urban Designer co-located with Cambridge City Council to provide an additional resource as an extension to the clients planning and design teams.



People involved