Ambresbury Banks Hill Fort

    • Client: City of London
    • Local Planning Authority: Epping Forest
    • Location: Epping Forest
Veteran Beech Pollards on the ramparts

Veteran Beech Pollards on the ramparts

Interpretation proposals for Ambresbury Banks

Interpretation Proposals

Wind thrown beech tree

Wind thrown beech tree

vegetation survey

Vegetation Survey

City of London commissioned Place Services to research and prepare a Conservation Management Plan to inform the future management and development of Ambresbury Banks, a scheduled Iron Age Hill Fort located in Epping Forest. Working alongside the client team, we undertook vegetation and earthwork condition surveys of the scheduled monument, and completed assessments of access and interpretation at the site.

A statement of significance was prepared, management issues were identified and conservation polices drawn up to ensure the significance of the monument, including its important wood pasture habitat, is retained. A series of recommendations were also made for enhancements to the interpretation and access on the monument, including provision for disabled parking.