Heritage and Settlement Sensitivity Assessment for Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon, South Warwickshire Local Plan

    • Client: Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils
    • Date: 31 August 2022

Place Services were commissioned by Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils to undertake a Historic Settlement Sensitivity Assessment. This was to contribute to the evidence base to support the development of a new Joint Local Plan and to inform Strategic Site Allocations for the Districts. The study was designed to assess the sensitivity to new development on the existing heritage and landscape character of 29 settlements within South Warwickshire.

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of each settlement’s historic and landscape value, sensitivity, opportunities for enhancement and capacity to accommodate new development around the edge of the existing settlement. This will be used as an evidence base to inform the identification and assessment of proposed strategic allocations and broad locations for growth within the emerging South Warwickshire Local Plan. 

The quality of the historic environment within both Districts is high and includes settlements, buildings, Scheduled Monuments and landscapes of national significance, which make a fundamental contribution to the character of Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon Districts. It therefore has a major role to play in shaping the future of both Districts.  At the same time, the historic environment is an irreplaceable resource and sensitive to change which can be severely adversely affected by inappropriate development. It therefore needs to be properly understood before changes are planned, to ensure that it can make a positive contribution to shaping sustainable development, to encourage the creation of communities which reflect and complement the significant historic character of the two Districts. The report identified areas which are sensitive, vulnerable or irreplaceable and highlights specific heritage assets of particular importance both above and below ground. The results are based on a RAG (Red, Amber, Green) scoring system.

Client Feedback:  The required outputs of the project were delivered in a very professional, efficient and timely manner and to a very high standard. The project lead kept the Councils officers up to date with progress and were very efficient and accommodating in dealing with and responding to queries and comments from both the Councils and Historic England.