Protected Lanes

    • Client: Local Planning Authorities
    • Location: Essex
Man riding a Penny Farthing on a protected lane
Protected lane surrounded by trees
view of a protected lane
Protected lane
historic building on a protected lane

A policy to conserve historic lanes in Essex has been in operation since the 1970's, but when local authorities came to re-assess their existing 'Protected Lane' designation, the original criteria were found to be out of date.

Our historic environment specialists were engaged to develop new criteria for Protected Lane status, which would ensure the evidence base on which planning and management decisions were made was robust and defensible.

The criteria considered a wide range of values associated with historic lanes, including biodiversity, archaeology, views and issues of erosion and highway improvements. Protected Lanes across a number of the counties Districts and Boroughs have been re-assessed against the new criteria, and the results incorporated into their Local Plans.