Environmental Constraints Analysis

Place Services can undertake Environmental Constraints Reports for all sizes of project. Typically carried out in the initial stages of project design, they screen proposed developments for potential issues that may pose a constraint to successful implementation.

Our specialists have unrivalled access to a variety of environmental and spatial data covering the Natural, Built and Historic Environment for Essex. Drawing upon this information together with our knowledge of the environment and Local Planning System, we provide bespoke reports that highlight the key issues and recommend ways to help minimise adverse impacts to the environment. Illustrative maps created by our CAD and GIS technicians are integral to each Environmental Constraints Report.

An Environmental Constraints Report can save time and money for clients by flagging key issues at an early stage, and identifying the necessary specialist survey work required to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Ultimately helping achieve smooth and timely delivery of development projects.

Environmental constraints reports can be produced for:

  • Highways schemes
  • Bridge repair schemes
  • New cycleways/footpaths

Please contact us, if you would like discuss our approach to environmental constraints analysis.

field survey

Field survey to inform an Environmental Constraints Report

environmental constraints map

Environmental Constraints Map