Planning and Regulation

Our ecologists provide specialist advice to Local Planning Authorities in relation to Protected and Priority species, Habitats and Designated Sites to ensure they effectively discharge their legal obligations and comply with national and local policy.

We specialise in supplying expert ecology support to planning authorities working as an extension of Development Management and Forward Planning teams providing ecology consultation responses; presenting technical evidence at planning appeals and assisting in the formulation of environmental policies for Local Plans. 

Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA) is a particular specialism. Combining our knowledge of the local planning system with our ecological expertise, we have compiled HRA reports encompassing a diverse mix of Plans and Projects including Local Plans, Flood Management Strategies and Infrastructure schemes.

Notable achievements include the publication of the Essex Biodiversity Validation Checklist and coordination of the Essex Biodiversity Offsetting PilotPlace Services regularly update the Checklist in light of user feedback and changes to biodiversity legislation and policy. Such as the introduction of British Standard 42020:2013: Biodiversity. Code of practice for planning and development.

Our services can include:

  • Pre-application enquiries
  • Screening and appraisal of development proposals
  • Provision of written advice and recommendations
  • Strategic planning, including biodiversity development for local plan policies

To find out more information our planning advisory service or Habitat regulation assessment, please contact a member of our team.

Minerals development monitoring visit

Quarry Monitoring Visit

Slow worm at a site in Tendring

Slow worm at a site in Tendring

Road development in South Essex

Road development in South Essex

Essex biodiversity validation checklist

The Essex Biodiversity Validation Checklist