Heritage Assessment

Logo for Historic Environment Service Provider Recognition service
We are a recognised historic environment service provider by the IHBC

Using established approaches and bespoke solutions, we undertake assessments and surveys for a wide range of heritage assets, historic places and clients, including developers, local authorities, trusts, and other property managers and owners.

Each assessment is determined by your needs, and the nature of the asset or historic place, and can be augmented by additional in-house expertise, including: oblique aerial photography; documentary research, veteran tree surveys; ecological survey and GIS mapping and analysis.

Assessments can be used to: understand the character, potential and significance of an asset or place, to inform recommendations for or against designation; explore the feasibility of different proposals; and to understand the impact of new developments, informing decision making and design, and helping to limit mitigation costs.

Our services include:

  • Archaeological Desk Based Assessments and Walk-Over Surveys
  • Aerial photographic Survey, Mapping and Interpretation
  • Heritage Statements / Impact Assessments
  • Conservation Area Appraisals
  • Historic Landscape Survey
  • Historic Area Assessments
  • Historic Characterisation
  • Heritage Asset Assessments
  • Analysis of Views and Setting
  • World Heritage Site Comparative Analysis
  • Applications for Certificates of Immunity from Listing

To discuss your requirements,or request a quote, contact us.

historic landscape survey

Historic Landscape Survey

aerial photographic survey

Aerial Photographic Survey, Mapping and Interpretation

archaeological walk-over survey

Archaeological walk-over survey

analysis of views

Analysis of Views

historic landscape characterisation

Historic Landscape Characterisation