Management of Heritage Assets and Historic Places

Logo for Historic Environment Service Provider Recognition service
We are a recognised historic environment service provider by the IHBC

We have considerable experience in the conservation management, maintenance and enhancement of heritage assets and historic places; from whole landscapes, to individual buildings, sites and structures.

Drawing from our range of in-house specialists, and with strong project management,  we deliver services tailored to your needs, and to the nature and importance of an asset or place, helping to maximise their potential and ensure their long term viability and use.

<p">Our services include:

  • Conservation Management Plans and Statements
  • Conservation Area Management Plans
  • Project Management for Conservation Repairs
  • Condition Surveys and Risk Assessments
  • Managment and Maintenance Plans
  • Audience Development Plans
  • Access Audits and Access Plans for Historic Buildings and Places
  • Heritage Interpretation
  • Advice on Heritage Asset Transfer

To discuss your requirements,or request a quote, contact us.

audience development plans

Audience Development Plans

heritage interpretation

Heritage Interpretation

signage and access audits

Signage and Access Audits

earthwork condition surveys

Earthwork Condition Surveys

conservation repairs

Conservation repairs