Development Briefs and Site Disposal

We have considerable experience in producing development briefs and can also undertake feasibility studies.  These are normally produced for a site of significant size, sensitivity or opportunity.  They allow the local authority to take the initiative by developing partnerships and steering development options to meet planning aspirations.  

Our approach involves balancing community needs with commercial realities, setting clear and enforceable design principles and overcoming perceived obstacles to delivery.  We understand it is important to sell the vision, with a view to generating the buy-in needed to generate momentum and secure investment.  

Place Services has developed a pioneering project enabling public and third sectors to deliver regeneration and growth by realising the value of its property assets.  A project involves conducting a systematic review of local assets alongside local community objectives, with a view to:

  • Identify new development openings,
  • Enhance the physical environment,
  • Support housing growth in existing settlement areas,
  • Cut management costs attached to surplus assets,
  • Empower local communities,
  • Design brief to maximise community benefits,
  • Tackle local issues including anti-social behaviour, and
  • Generate income and subsidise further improvements 

For advice on development briefs and site disposal, please contact us.

Copford House Development Brief, Brentwood

Copford House Development Brief, Brentwood



King Edward Quay Development Brief, Colchester

King Edward Quay Development Brief, Colchester

Local Asset Regeneration

Local Asset Regeneration