Landscape Assessment and Planning

Our team is experienced in undertaking landscape and visual impact assessments and advising on the impact of major infrastructure on the landscape character of the county. We have experience in acting as an expert witness for planning inquiries and hearings and providing appeal statements.

We support and influence development within Essex, by advising the council on all planning applications that has implications on the landscape. We safeguard the environment and promoting best practice. Our ability to assess landscape and visual impact, are vital in identifying opportunities and developing new landscape strategies. Our approach is critical in ensuring sustainable development within Essex and our award winning work on the 'Landscape Assessment for the Essex Coast’ is a great example of this influence.

We provide advice on landscape planning and landscape assessment. Working closely with planners we provide advice on development control, planning policy and the development of the minerals and waste plans for the county. We also give landscape advice on planning applications and prepare landscape assessments of constraints and opportunities for development for other authorities.

  • Landscape character assessment

  • Development control

  • Landscape and visual impact assessment

  • Landscape expert witness

Contact us to discover how we can assist you with assessment and planning.

We provide advice on development control.

Working closely with planners, we provide advice on development control.

LCA Essex Coast. Unvegetated foreshore.

LCA Essex Coast. Unvegetated foreshore.

landscape character

We advise on the impact of major infrastructure on the landscape character.

Sustainable development

We are vital at identifying opportunities and constraints and to help ensure sustainable development.