Trees and Development Consultancy

Trees are a material consideration during the planning process and guidance in the form of a British Standard is provided for considering how to manage trees in relation to the design, demolition and construction of new developments.

Place Services offer a comprehensive service assisting with all aspects of the development process from initial (feasibility) reports to site supervision and implementation of planting schemes. In addition we have extensive experience in all aspects of the planning process and are advisors for many local authorities when consultation is required on proposed schemes. All plans are drawn using industry standard computer aided design software (AutoCAD) and we have the support of in-house landscape architects, CAD draughtsmen, ecologists, urban designers and archaeologists making our offer truly holistic.

Services include:

  • British Standard surveys (BS 5837:2012) - 'Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction' - 'Recommendations' including Arboricultural Impact Assessments (AIA), Arboricultural Method Statements (AMS), Tree Constraints Plans (TCP) and Tree Protection Plans (TPP)
  • Feasibility/pre application advice
  • Site monitoring / supervision
  • Tree works supervision
  • Planning appeals
  • Specifications for tree works and tendering
  • Tree planting design and specification
  • Accurate plotting of tree locations

For advice about our tree development consultation capabilities, please contact us.

pleached avenue

Pleached avenue

trees and development

Trees & Development