Woodland Appraisal and Management Plans

Place Services are currently responsible for the management of Essex County Council woodlands. We are also the authors of the Woodland Management Strategy for the county's wooded estate and have previously advised the Forestry Commision. We have a number of specialist woodland advisers who are experienced in woodland planning, assessment for commercial viability, community engagement and contractor liaison. Our consultants are innovative in their management techniques and progressing sustainable wood fuel markets whilst balancing this with amenity a management and ecological considerations.  

  • Management plans
  • Amenity woodland assessment
  • Grant application
  • Woodland archaeology appraisal
  • Veteran tree advice and management
  • Habitat appraisal
  • Improvement schemes to promote diversification, age class distribution, nature conservation and screening using indigenous species
  • Access improvement or prohibition
  • Advice on pest and disease control
  • Woodland craft and product markets

For more advice on woodland appraisal and management plans, please contact us.

Essex Woodlands Strategy

Essex Woodlands Strategy

Woodland survey

Woodland Survey