Artist Selection and Management

Project Management

Place Services offers management services for creative practitioner and fabricator involvement in a programme from creating briefs through to installation of works.

Client Brief Development

Our briefs are developed with the client and, when appropriate, a project steering group. We look to identify and clarify the particular needs within an area to create opportunities for artists to collaboratively explore solutions with project stakeholders, community and future users.

Methods used to appoint artists are tailored to and reflect the programme, whilst ensuring the process, project schedules and deliverables are agreed. We look to ensure team members have a clear understanding of the development stages and the opportunity to input into the project’s development.


Artist selection, recruitment and management

We bring a depth of experience and knowledge of public art to projects. We are able to identify suitable artists for schemes from our database of established artists through to researching practitioners at the start of their careers.

Artist recruitment methods:

-          Open Call

The majority of the projects we manage involve an open call, promoting the opportunity through publications and networks nationally and internationally.

-          Invitation

Where a project is multi-faceted or a specific approach is required of an individual or team we will research artists or artist-collectives who have the experience and skill-set needed and invite expressions of interest.

-          Competition

Options are available where concept designs are commissioned from a short-list of creative practitioners incorporating a design competition to assist in the selection process.

-          Artist Residencies

For more in-depth development and artist-led engagement we will identify artists with socially-engaged practices to undertake a residency or research programme.

For more information about our artist selection process, please contact us.

Chelmsford Park & Ride Shoot by Diana Mclean

Shoot By Diana Mclean Chelmsford Park Ride

Client Brief Development

Client Brief Development