Hayley Dean

  • Ecological Consultant
  • BSc (Hons) MSc ACIEEM

Hayley Dean is an Ecological Consultant at Place Services and has over four years’ experience as a professional ecologist. She previously worked as an Ecologist with Essex Wildlife Trust’s ecological consultancy. She has project managed protected species surveys relating to a variety of projects, including large scale pipeline installations, railway bank stabilisation, solar farm installation and housing developments. Hayley has carried out multiple Biodiversity Net Gain Feasibility Assessments and is proficient in using both UK Habitats Classification and Phase 1 Habitat Mapping.  

Hayley undertook her Bachelor’s degree in Zoology at Cardiff University. During her undergraduate degree she carried out a professional training year, working as a researcher at Córdoba University, Spain, within the Ichthyology department. During this time, she specialised in researching the populations and habitat dynamics of the European Eel. Several abstracts from this research were published and presented at the XV European Congress of Ichthyology. She undertook her Master’s degree in Conservation Ecology at Oxford Brookes, where she evaluated the changes in breeding bird populations at Abberton Reservoir, post completion of the reservoir expansion project.  

Hayley holds Natural England Class Licences to survey Great Crested Newts and Dormice. She regularly provides advice and solutions relating to complex ecological planning issues and is proficient at writing comprehensive reports. She is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management.